Noise and Thermal Insulation of Horizontal Structures

To obtain the best values of airborne sound reduction for a partition wall, it's strictly recomended to realize in the job site a complete noise resistant structure. To this end a good insulating material it's necessary but not enough. The most effective product is the one that allows the finished structure to provide soundproofing. For excellent soundproofing to be achieved in a structure with double partition walls, a product functioning as a mechanical agent should be inserted into the space between the two walls. Hence a vibration and noise damping material is combined with a ridig material with a high mass (the two partition walls). The finished package provides suitable soundproofing, since it optimises the performance of all the parts that make up the structure. The products also provide remarkable thermal resistance, which results in thermal comfort and a barrier to environmental humidity.

Renovation Jobs
The acoustic and thermal restoration of boundary slabs between property units can be achieved by building a plasterboard false ceiling on a metal frame, insulated with Perfetto.


Underscreed insulation

Floating screed on levelling layer - Isolmant UnderSlim, UnderSpecial, Fibro Gomma Plus or BiPlus (pdf) Floating screed on bare floor slab - Isolmant BiPlus or FibroGomma Plus (pdf) Underfloor heating and cooling system - Isolmant Radiante or UnderSpecial (pdf) Low inertia heating and cooling system - Isolmant IsolTile (pdf) Low inertia heating and cooling system (dry) - Isolmant Fibra HD (pdf) Dry layed screed - Isolmant Fibra HD (pdf)

Floor thermal insulation

Underscreed application - Isolmant D311 (pdf)

Underlay insulation

Floating flooring - Isolmant IsolDrum (pdf) Glued flooring - Isolmant IsolDrum (pdf) Cementitious finishing - Isolmant IsolTile (pdf)

Staircase insulation

Step and landings insulation - Isolmant Kit Scale (pdf)

False wall applications

Light steel frame walls and false wall (false ceiling) - Isolmant Perfetto CG. Perfetto RB, Setto Acustico Fibra or CG (pdf)

Datasheet of Isolmant materials

Isolmant Perfetto TR (pdf) Isolmant Perfetto BV (pdf) Isolmant Perfetto CG (pdf) Isolmant BiPlus (pdf) Isolmant Polimuro (pdf) Isolmant Special (pdf) Isolmant UnderPlusBlack (pdf) Isolmant UnderSpecial (pdf) Isolmant Radiante (pdf) Isolmant IsolTile (pdf) Isolmant D311 (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Perimetrale Stacca (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Perimetrale Tecnica Reticolata (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Perimetrale Radiante (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Perimetrale (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Perimetrale cd (pdf) Isolmant Fibra HD (pdf) Isolmant Kit Scale (pdf) Isolmant IsolDrum N (pdf) Isolmant Nastro Alluminato (pdf) Isolmant Fibra LC (pdf) Isolmant Polimuro Reflex (pdf) Isolmant Fascia Tagliamuro (pdf) Isolmant IsolGypsum (pdf) Isolmant Setto Acustico CG (pdf) Isolmant TeloGomma 5+3 (pdf) Isolmant Cemento Armato (pdf) Isolmant Strong (pdf) Isolmant Damp (pdf)

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